Earlier this month, realtor.com announced the release of their initial Housing Recovery Index, a weekly guide showing how the pandemic…
For Sellers
Should We Be Looking at Unemployment Numbers Differently?
The New York Times recently ran an article regarding unemployment titled: Don’t Cheer Too Soon. Keep an Eye on the…
What Are the Experts Saying About Future Home Prices?
A worldwide pandemic and an economic recession have had a tremendous effect on the nation. The uncertainty brought about by…
Homebuyers Are in the Mood to Buy Today
According to the latest FreddieMac Quarterly Forecast, mortgage interest rates have fallen to historically low levels this spring and they’re…
7 Strategies for a 2020 Open House [INFOGRAPHIC]
Some Highlights Buyer interest is high right now, so this summer is a great time to sell your house. Here…
Want to Make a Move? Homeowner Equity is Growing Year-Over-Year
One of the bright spots of the 2020 real estate market is the growth in equity homeowners are experiencing across…
Is the Economic Recovery Already Underway?
The Wall Street Journal just released their latest monthly Survey of Economists. In an article on the findings, they reported:…
Three Reasons Homebuyers Are Ready to Purchase This Year
A recent survey by Lending Tree tapped into behaviors of over 1,000 prospective buyers. The results indicated 53% of all…
Summer is the New Spring for Real Estate [INFOGRAPHIC]
Some Highlights The health crisis slowed the market this spring, so buyers are jumping back into the market to make…
Are You Ready for the Summer Housing Market?
As the health crisis started making its way throughout our country earlier this spring, sellers have been cautious about putting…